Sunday 10 February 2008

The Link Again

Read on for amazing info!

Conversational Hypnosis - The Ultimate Guide To Learning Hypnosis

Tommorow I will be back with very interesting info on the Core Skills you need to learn hypnosis.

Thursday 7 February 2008

HOT NEWS: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis

Hi Everyone!

I've got some hot news for you today...

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll know that the power of NLP and Hypnosis have radically changed peoples lives...

NLP is pretty easy to learn BUT mastering everyday conversational hypnosis has always been a serious problem. Do you know that the undisputed master of hypnosis (and the source of a surprising number of patterns in NLP as well) was Dr. Milton H. Erickson?
The thing is very few people have ever been able to master hypnosis like Erickson,let alone be able to successfully teach it to others.

Especially conversational hypnosis.

See: Conversational Hypnosis - The Ultimate Guide To Learning Hypnosis

Thatis FINALLY about to change with thebrand new release of "The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis".
Read On , or check it out now, I promise you that you won't be dissapointed:
Conversational Hypnosis - The Ultimate Guide To Learning Hypnosis

It's by maverick hypnotist Igor Ledochowski,the author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual"and a world renowned Hypnotherapist trainer.
It's the most ADVANCED course ANYWHERE on conversational hypnosis.

In fact here's what hypnotic marketer, certifiedhypnotherapist and star of the NLP inspired hit film "The Secret" says about it...
"I didn't believe this material would be that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation.
"I've never seen or heard anything this complete, powerful, or convincing.
"I love it."
Dr. Joe Vitale -

One of the reasons Dr. Joe Vitale loves this course is because he discovered secrets like...

* The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's powerful teachings.

* The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT teams use to force compliance...even in a fire-fight with hardened criminals.

* How an instant rapport technique will get even total strangers to open up to you...reveal their inner longings...and give you all the clues you need to persuade them to do as you say.

* The conversational way to get a sales prospect to imagine the intense feelings of owning what you are selling, so they naturally feel compelled to buy right now!
In fact you can help them intensify the feelings so strongly that all objections simply melt away.

* The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic persuasion experts" by using their secret patterns for influence...(it's easier than you think)

* Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets deepest desires...and how to point them in your direction...(Igor's innovative techniques are more refined and more powerful than any other)

* A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection your target may have to your suggestion...they simply forget to remember what it was that might have stopped them from following your suggestions.

* What it means when your target "talks with their hands" and how to use their gestures to literally get inside their head.

* How to know if a target is "talking to themselves" with internal dialogue...and how to join that dialogue so your voice seems like it comes from inside their own mind!

And that's BARELY scratching the surface...

Check it out now, I assure you tha you won't be dissapointed:
Conversational Hypnosis - The Ultimate Guide To Learning Hypnosis

And what's even better for you it's being released for a limited time as a digital course so you'll be able to access it immediately.

* It comes with 16 Full CDs (as MP3s) * The Full Transcripts + Manual (620+ Pages) * The How To Master Conversational Hypnosis Cheat Sheets * The How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Cheat Sheets

The site is live right now and the full digital version is available for over 3 times LESS than the physical version!
And because it's just been released it'sspecially discounted.
Please understand this extra discountcould be pulled at anytime.

So do check it out now, while you can, I promise you won't be disappointed.
Conversational Hypnosis - The Ultimate Guide To Learning Hypnosis

That's all the hypnosis news for today,


What is Hypnosis?

Do you drive? Many times we get behind the wheel and know where we started, and suddenly we are at our destination. We don’t recall how we got there or any of the events that happened along the drive. Ever had such an experience?
This is a hypnotic trance.

Hypnosis is a very natural way of being, it is not magical or strange, and in fact many people spend a large amount of their days in hypnotic trances. Once you are aware of this fact you will start to notice those around you who are experiencing hypnotic trances in everyday life.
The rhythms we are used to, such as the feel of the car, can relax us to the point that our subconscious takes over and does the work for us. Many like to call it, ‘zone out’. This may sound strange at first, but when you really consider all the activities we do everyday, we have been conditioned all through out our lives to enter hypnotic trances.
Have you ever watched a movie and later realized that the only thing in your mind and field of vision was a 15 inch screen? Obviously you can see the rest of the room, people, cat and dog while focusing on the screen, but the concentration and trance that
is produced makes it seem as though the only thing that exists in the room is that little screen and the action it is producing.
Reading a book, we often get lost in the story and never realize what the ‘real world’ is doing around us. As you read you experience changing emotions, happiness, fear, suspense, sadness and tears. This interaction with the words and information being relayed to your mind alters your state of mind and becomes a hypnotic process in itself.
There is almost always the effect that the book you are reading will change either your mood, emotion, ideas and ultimately could change how you live your life, such is the objective of a hypnotist.

Hypnosis is not a word we hear everyday, however it is a word that many people seem to have a preconceived definition for.
The most common thought is that hypnosis is bringing the subject to a trance like state.
The rest of the definition is not quite as well known: When in an hypnotic state the subject is vulnerable to positive suggestions in order to help them change their lives.

The two points above combined, is a rather accurate description of hypnosis.
However hypnosis entails more than just the trance like state you see depicted in many movies and television shows, it is a deep and complicated relationship held between hypnotist and client that comes complete with a desired set of goals to achieve.
Hypnosis can and usually will result from any repetitive task you enjoy engaging in. Experienced runners often change their mind and experience a trance like state while their body works they feel healthy and alive. Entering this altered state of mind is a form of self hypnotherapy which is a very powerful place to put yourself, and a powerful thing to be able to accomplish for yourself.

The ‘Dark Side of Hypnosis’

You have surely enjoyed a good story about the ‘dark side of hypnosis’, a suspenseful tale of assassination, murder, love gone wrong or murder. The world we thrive in is full of tall tales about the dark side of hypnosis. But is there truly a dark side to hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a common and natural, part and parcel of every day life. We go in and out of hypnotic trances throughout our day. Most, are well-intentioned and harmless. However, often we get driven into an hypnotic state almost forcibly in order to convince us to buy, sell or do something that you would not normally want to do.

Who do you think are the main culprits of purposeful hypnosis, done for their own selfish reasons? You may be shocked at the answer but you will surely agree after giving it some thought:

The media, the news, advertising, the government and sometimes other peoples opinions. Shocked are you? You always thought that they care so much about you that is why they are always offering you gadgets and possessions that are far better than the ones you have now. They’ll make your life easier for you and you will finally find ultimate happiness?! And, they make you feel like that which you have now is worth nothing, because they really care that you should be happy and satisfied in life with quality products, right? That is why they spend so many hundreds of bucks in advertising ? Sorry, I know that your IQ is far higher than that, you always knew that all they want is that you should reach for your pocket. But, I’m sure that you will also agree that advertising works. You have surely bought somewhere something that you never wanted or needed because… were hypnotised?? !

Most advertising is created very purposefully, their objective and business is to influence you to buy an item, one you may be persuaded to think you need.
This is an example of the true, as un-ominous as it may sound, dark side to hypnosis. In being persuaded to buy a new car, when our current vehicle runs fine and may only need a good washing, we are not improving the self from within, we are using a material object to make ourselves feel better about our status in life.

News by definition is supposed to report recent events, intelligence and information.
However, news is no longer about bringing new happening events into our lives as it is about driving you to watch the news.

Good news would be much too repetitive and boring day after day: the sun rose, Peter had a wonderful day at work and his wife managed to stay sane while watching their four lovely children.
How often would you watch or listen to the news?
The story you will hear on the news however is Joe went to work, there was a terrorist attack and his wife could no longer manage the children so she drowned them in the bath tub. Now that’s more like it! That will catch our interest and bring us in to watch: bad news; murder, war, rape, financial instability, disease; the list is endless.

This is a glimpse into the dark side of hypnosis.

How do you compensate and keep a sane and realistic view of life? Take action in your own mind, choose what you believe, pay attention to the things that are happening around you. The easiest way not to fall victim to the ‘dark side of hypnosis’ or break negative hypnotic messages is to think rationally, critically, and originally. Know who you are……..

What IS Hypnosis?

Do you drive? Have you ever ‘zoned out’? you get behind the wheel, you know where you started and before you know it you’re at your destination.

A person will only do what he wants to do. His ethical codes and moral standards that he chooses to live his life by can never be changed by anyone, not even in the deepest hypnotic trance.

The Mystery of Hypnosis

When I was desperately trying to lose weight I bought every diet book that looked interesting. Until I came across a book that came together with a CD, that claimed that just listening to the CD will get me to my ideal weight. Well I am my ideal weight now, but has it to do with that CD that I listened to 20 times approx? Good question . I don’t know. I don’t think so. But perhaps!……….

Another time in my life, I wanted to become rich quick! Sounds good? Among the many books I bought, one was on hypnosis exercises that one should do on oneself that should cause me to attract riches to myself. Did I do the exercises? Yes. Did I become rich from it? No. This time I’m sure about my answer.

So what is hypnosis? Does it work? What does it do? Many people adamantly oppose the truth and ethics of hypnosis. Actually, until 1954, hypnosis was against American Medical Association rules and regulations. How the law changed is a story on its own, for another article.(See the article on Milton H Erickson, MD,PhD)

I was always afraid of the mystics that evolve round hypnosis. There is an incredible amount of misconceptions about hypnosis. Although it is becoming far more popular for people to resort to hypnosis in order to live a healthier, happier and better quality life. We need to know what is the ‘dark side of hypnosis’ that is often mentioned on all those good entertainment tales or books, and what hypnosis is not. That will clear the way to understanding what hypnosis IS.

What Hypnosis is NOT:
Hypnosis is NOT the ability to have complete domination over one’s mind
Hypnosis is NOT the domination of another human being.
Hypnosis is NOT the ability to dominate another persons’ will

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Learn About Hypnosis

Hello Everyone! And welcome to this very exciting new blog - Learn About Hypnosis. Hypnosis was always a topic that seriously interested me and I am quite sure that I have acheived my happiness, sastisfaction and fullfilment, largely because of all the positive programmingof hypnosis/NLP.

My mission in this blog is to provide quality tips, resources and material to all you readers. This blog is aimed at people who are starting out in hypnosis - either as a hobby/interest or as a hypnosis practioner.......

I'll be back soon.

Bye for now!